Tuesday 28 May 2013

Baby Buys: Quinny Buzz

We have had to be really organised when it comes to buying bits for the baby due to us also buying our first house!  We have to furnish the whole thing and provide everything a newborn requires within the next 5-6 months so first on our list was to purchase the mightily expensive pram

We knew we wanted to go for a travel system as we had heard such good things,they are modern and seem to be good value for money for what you get.
At first I had my eye on the Mothercare Orb as a couple of friends have them and the are fab but then Laura recommended the Quinny Buzz and I instantly fell in love!

The first thing I noticed about it is that its so easy to manoeuvre.  Its really light and the handle is adjustable according to your height (good for me and Mr H as we are like teeny tiny borrowers) and goes round corners so smoothly

The second things was how compact the whole thing is.  It doesn't feel bulky in the slightest like a lot of prams and folds down so small  - you also have the option to easily remove the wheels to make it even smaller which I loved

The best thing about the Quinny Buzz is how it erects itself!  It has a gas spring which automatically unfolds itself in a nano second at the touch of a button, I can see this being SO handy when little H arrives and I have my hands completely full!

You can buy the Quinny Buzz here at Toys R Us for £324.99 but I would recommend going into store as they will knock off more money depending on the offers that day and they will also price match if you have found it cheaper elsewhere.   Its compatible with the Maxi Cosi Pebble and Cabriofix car seats and you can also get the Quinny carrycot as an added extra if you need it

Now you can get away with just purchase the basic frame and stroller set as the stroller seat is reclinable and with an insert is suitable from birth, however the carrycot that comes with the pram is really nice and we felt that it was necessary for us to have it as well as it looks really cosy and warm for baby

The carry cot is foldable as well which is fab for storing it or putting it in the car! You can get the carry cot here again from Toys R Us for £164.99

Have you bought your pram?  What did you go for??



  1. Exciting!! Won't be long till our baby walks together xxx


  2. I can't wait for our mummy walks SJ!!! xx

  3. that is just gorgeous.. looks pretty good quality too!! love it!

  4. Hi Lucie, I'm re-reading some of your older entries as I'm currently 15 weeks. I wondered if now that you've been using it for 6 months, you are still happy with your choice of pram? I find the amount of choice available very daunting!

  5. Great article. I’m looking for double stroller and know that Uppababy will release a new one next month. Do you have any idea on it or general on uppababy, I’m so new with this branch.


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