Friday, 5 July 2013

Baby Buys: Grobag Egg Thermometer

I was recommended the Grobag Egg Thermometer by a friend with a newborn and she advised it is a complete essential for any new mother! 

Its a very simple little device that will glow different colours according to the temperature of the room -  a very important thing to know for you and your little one! Health professionals recommend that the room your baby sleeps in should be between 16 and 20°C to help reduce the risk of cot death

The egg, which also doubles up as a night light, will glow yellow if the temperature is between the recommended guidelines   It also has a digital LCD screen to tell you what the temperature is

This wasn't something I was going to purchase until nearer Harry's due date but I saw an offer on the Bounty website that I couldn't miss out on, you can get the Grobag Egg Thermometer and a cute Egg Shell for £14.95!  Usual price is £34.95 so it is definitely worth getting if you are interested in one!

Have you used the Grobag Egg Thermometer or will you be getting one??



  1. I did have my eye on this as it's so cute, but the monitor we'll be buying is the Angelcare one which has an in built thermometer so I'd have no use for this :(

  2. Yes I saw that it has a thermometer too and we are thinking of getting the angel care one! Oh we'll at least this acts as a night light too ;-)


  3. Awesome! So cute I'm sure kids well love these.


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