About Me

Hello I’m Lucie,

Firstly, let me tell you a bit about me!  I love cups of tea, makeup, eating cheese and ferociously scanning Pinterest!  I prefer cosy nights in to wild nights out and I’ve got an eye for a bargain (hallelujah Primark) 
I’m a first time mummy to Harry, my little bionic bubba.  I started this blog when he was just a bump and I documented my pregnancy and our journey through to getting him his magic ears!   Harry was born deaf.  He was diagnosed at just 7 weeks old with profound hearing loss in both ears.  At 14 months old he endured a 6 hour operation to have Cochlear Implants fitted and on 4th March 2013 Harry heard sound for the very first time!

My blog is not only a place to update you on products I’m loving and toddler stuff we are enjoying but it is also a journal for my thoughts and feelings on Harry’s hearing journey.  But more than anything, I write in the hope that we can help another family, person or child affected by hearing loss.
So here you can read our story and find out a bit more about what it’s like being a parent to a deaf child as well as all the usual chaos that comes with your typical toddler!

I really hope you enjoy my little slice of the internet

L xx

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