Thursday 23 May 2013

Pregnancy Favourites

1. Pregnacare Original Vitamins - I've always been a bit of a vitamin lover.  I have suffered with low iron levels in the past so I got used to taking a supplement every day and that led to me taking a multivitamin and omega 3 as well.  Once pregnant that had to stop!  You aren't supposed to take any vitamins other than folic acid, specially formulated pregnancy vitamins or anything prescribed by your GP or midwife.  I decided to go for the Pregnacare Original Supplements which so far have been doing the job.  They contain a formulation of 19 vitamins and minerals including vitamin B12 and folic acid which will help you and your baby get through these difficult 9 months!  Since taking them my skin has cleared up a little and I have some more energy - this may be a coincidence but I don't care I feel like the little tablet I take every day is doing some good to me a Baby H

2. Ovaltine - This was the main saviour for me when it came to morning sickness.  I started drinking this warm milky drink before bed and not only did it help me fall asleep but it really seemed to ease my nausea right off in the morning.  Its packed full of calcium and folic acid and tastes like hot chocolate, so there is no excuse not to try it!

3. 4 Head - As you know I have been suffering from horrendous headaches.  This 4Head stick does not perform miracles but it does soothe my sore head for at least an hour, and its safe to continuously use during pregnancy.  It now has pride of place in my handbag and I wouldn't leave the house without it

4. Clarins Liquid Bronze - All the nausea and exhaustion has left me looking pale and drained so a little face tanner goes a long way to help you at least fake that "glow"!  Clarins Liquid Bronze is the only facial tanner I would ever use on such a delicate area as its designed only for the face and decolletage.  Its moisturising, not thick and smells fresh (not like a biscuit!)  I apply a small blob using a cotton pad most nights before bed and wake up with a lovely touch of colour

5. Topshop Maternity Jamie Jeans - See my review here.  Wardrobe staple right now!!

6. Nutri Grain - I have always eaten breakfast, in fact its sometimes my favourite meal of the day!  However in the early weeks of pragnancy I have found it very hard to stomach much in the mornings, especially in the week when I am up and about early for work and the smell of coffee hits me when i walk into the office *VOM*.  I have found that snacking from around 9 till 11 is the best way for me to combat the sickness without skipping my beloved brekkie and Nutri Grain bars have been one of my faves to start the day

7. What to Expect When You're Expecting - this book is amazing!  Its jam packed full of information from pre pregnancy right through to those first 10 days or so post partum.  I constantly refer to this book when I have concerns or questions!

8. Cashew Nuts - This is another snack I have found really helped kick my morning sickness in the face!!  I really love nuts anyway but cashews have been a bit of a cravingg and I eat a handful every morning or afternoon to keep me going at work

9. Mama Mio Belly Butter - I included this in my wishlist and I will be doing a full review as I think its brilliant!  Mama Mio's Belly Butter smells divine, is thick and moisturising and will hopefully stop those stretch marks ruining my life!!

What are your pregnancy favourites??


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