Friday 31 May 2013

16 Week Update

How far along? 16 Weeks

Total weight gain:  I had my midwife appointment this week and thought she would weigh me.. but she didn't haha!  So it remains a mystery! Maybe I will buy some scales.. 

Maternity clothes?  I haven't bought any other items as my Topshop maternity jeans have been fabulous!!!!!  I also spent last weekend in a couple of non-maternity maxi dresses which were sooooo comfy and I will def be popping into Primark for more!

Stretch marks?  None yet.. *touches wood frantically* 

Sleep:  I'm still feeling pretty tired but I think its because we have so much going on!!  Once we have settled in a new house we will be so much more relaxed and I think I will be feeling more energised!

Best moment this week:  Totally not baby related but I went to see The Great Gatsby and I thought it was totally brilliant!!  (So in love with Leo!!)  BUT by far the best moment of the week was hearing Baby H's heartbeat for the first time!  It was so amazing!  The midwife found it really really quickly and it was so clear and loud she was well impressed! I'm definately borrowing my sisters doppler so I can have a listen now and again

Worst moment this week:  House buying stress!! Probably one of the worst weeks I have ever had!!!!

Miss anything?  Not much this week actually!  

Movement: None that I can feel, although I hear I will start to feel little things very soon.. eek!

Food cravings:  Terry's Chocolate Orange mmm!! Really craved coke this week or anything fizzy which is really unlike me as well

Anything making you queasy or sick:  The smell of coffee as usual!

Gender: Not known..yet

Labor signs: None

Symptoms:  The headaches have been pretty bad this week, but I think that could stress related!  The tailbone pain has stayed away *woop*  Generally feeling better every week!

Belly button in or out?  In

Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy

Looking forward to:  Literally so excited to find out the sex of our little bubbaroni!!!  I want to buy a million things and I feel like I can't just yet!! 



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