Sunday 12 May 2013

Dating Scan

Seeing our little bean on screen was incredible!!!! There is no feeling like it and I could not stop smiling!!!!
Beforehand I was so so so sooooo nervous I thought I was going to pass out! For some reason all that goes through your head is that they will start the scan and find nothing inside you!!!! 

I was one of few who's date didn't change at all and we are officially due 16th November 2013 still :-) 
Little Baby Houchin is alive and well and was very very active on a screen! We saw it waving its arms and legs around and saw its tiny heart beating.. Amazing!
When the sonographer went to take the scan photos the naughty little thing completely turned away from us so maybe it takes after his daddy as be hates having his photo taken!!

I would love to see your first scan pictures!!

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