Thursday, 20 June 2013

The Scare

Anyone reading this who is expecting knows how much you worry throughout your whole pregnancy about things going right and for no harm to come to your little bean
So you can imagine my terror when I started bleeding

The whole experience was so so sooooo scary but thankfully baby boy and I are going to be fine!  After calling every single number under the sun given to me for emergencies on my medical notes - with NO answers - we decided to head down to our local A & E to see what the bleeding was all about and to make sure all was ok.  I didn't feel the baby move the whole time we were there which made the wait agonisingly long but we were finally hooked up to a monitor and there was my baby boy's heartbeat, beating away quite merrily

The hospital couldn't really tell me anything about the bleeding as it had stopped and wasn't accopmanied by pain, which was quite frsutrating as I was then worried about it happening again or if it was something I had done to cause it

After a rest and getting over the shock of the scare I headed to my GP who examined me and told me exactly what the bleed was (he even drew me pictures to explain!)  Basically my placenta is just a little low and close to my cervix which can cause it to bleed.  This usualy will happen if you are under stress as hormones cause it to bleed so I have been asked to take the next week off work and to have a little "me" time at home where there is less pressure and less stress so hopefully it won't happen again 

I did have some advice that bleeding was "normal" in pregnancy and nothing to worry about, now let me just tell you it isn't normal at all and you have every right to be concerned about it.  My GP said that what this person really should have said to me was that bleeding is common in pregnancy and isn't always serious, but you should always get checked out by a proffessional if you get any bleeding or pain that doesn't feel right to you

I hope you don't mind me sharing this experience with you, I think it is important that everyone hears the lows as well as the highs of pregnancy and I hope this will help you get through it if you too have had the same or a similar scare!  


  1. Aww bless you, I'm glad you and your little bean are ok.
    I had spotting for the first few months of pregnancy, it can be so scary - especially when you don't know whats causing it! :/
    I always dreaded "wiping" after having a wee when I was pregnant incase there any blood :(

    Sparkles &



  2. Thank you! I'm so glad we are fine too :-) Its so scary isn't it! Good to know others had similar issues though
    I'll be happy when little boy is here and safe in my arms!

  3. I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award!!


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