Sunday, 23 June 2013

18 & 19 Week Update

How far along? 19 weeks

Total weight gain:  Making it my mission to weigh myself.. promise! I feel like my hips and legs have got a little bigger so maybe I am gaining a bit but I don't think too much :) My bump seems smaller this week which is weird too

Maternity clothes? I have some new maternity skinny jeans from asos which I really really like.. They are a little are through though which is annoying but they fit really nicely for now! 

Stretch marks?  None.  I have been using a mixture of Mama Mio and Bio Oil now.  Mama Mio for the mornings/daytime and Bio Oil at night as I like to spend a lot longer in the evening massaging the oil in

Sleep:  I'm constantly exhausted and was hoping that would have subsided by now..  At the weekends I am asleep by 11pm which is so embarrassing at the age of 25!!  This week has been really stressful though which doesnt help, but I now have some time off to rest and hopefully recharge my batteries

Best moment this week:  Feeling lots of movement from our little boy and we sat and watched my belly moving everytime he kicked one night this week!

Worst moment this week:  Ending up at the hospital after a terrifying bleed :( (read about that in my previous post if you wish!)

Miss anything?  Dippy eggs. I watched a Hairy Bikers cookery program yesterday in which they made the most amazing looking eggs benedict and the sight off the oozing egg actually made me salivate.

Movement: I have been feeling lots of strong kicks this week!! He tends to move around at the same times every day now, usually after I've eaten or last thing at night before I go to sleep.. Aww

Food cravings:  Back on the Terry's Chocolate Orange.. So bad but SO good

Anything making you queasy or sick:  All food is making me feel sick this week, I seem to have had a bit of a churning tummy so I am well off everything

Gender: Boy!!

Labor signs: None

Symptoms:  After feeling pretty fabulous a couple of weeks ago, I have been feeling the lowest of lows this week!!  After my horrible scare I am so over emotional, stessed and feeling pretty sorry for myself indeed. I have also been suffering from horrific heartburn ouchie!

Belly button in or out?  In

Happy or moody most of the time?  I have been VERY moody this week!

Looking forward to:  Seeing our boy bean next week at our 20 week scan.. it will be good to see him all healthy and ok



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