I love to read. I love that feeling of escape when you get lost in pages of adventures! I often read before I go to sleep as well as I find I can drift off much easier and have a better nights sleep overall! I enjoy a whole range of genres, girly rom coms, crime and thriller as well as non-fiction
Although my blog is mainly about tracking my pregnancy I am also going to throw in some lifestyle posts and this is one thing I will be writing about, as I am hoping with what little free time us new mums have/will have we can still enjoy a good book or two!
So as this is a pregnancy blog and I am with child I will start off with a book I have just finished reading called The Antenatal Group by Amy Bratley. I had seen it on the Kindle Bestsellers list and it looked like a fun, easy to read, bedtime number, and I thought it would be good to read some stories about how other people cope with pregnancy and the dreaded labour. I must say the book didn't disappoint! It was such a simple read but was really quite funny and also sad at some points. It follows the later stages of pregnancy of 5 completely different women from Brighton, right through to them delivering and adapting to their lives with a newborn. Even though this is a fiction book, I thoroughly enjoyed reading each of the girls stories and seeing how even the most organised of women can fall apart just as much as a disorganised and carefree one!
I won't go into detail as to what happens in the book as I for one HATE to have a good story ruined for me, so the synopsis is below. If you like a bit of a girly book and you are also expecting I would definitely recommend The Antenatal Group, its also at a discounted price of £2.99 on the Kindle at the moment!. Even if you don't read often this is a very very simple book to read and will keep you gripped right to the last pages
New babies. New problems. New friends.
Mel’s boyfriend Leo flees and leaves her stranded on the steps of her first pregnancy class. And so the expectant mother believes she is about to face parenthood alone. Instead, Mel finds herself introduced to the world of pain relief and labour positions with a diverse group of women who quickly become valuable friends in the terrifying new world of motherhood.
Katy, a rich and successful professional woman with the dream husband, has her birth designed to perfection but soon realises that nature doesn’t always follow plans. Rebecca, the youngest of the group and still a student, is an independent and strong-minded woman who is determined to hold onto her dreams. Lexi is loud and brash in every way, although it soon becomes apparent that there is a lot going on behind her colourful exterior. And Erin already seems an expert on babies, but her over-protective attitude to her bump is hiding a sad story from her past.
Each of these women has a different kind of complicated life, but as mums-to-be, the five discover together that preparing for the birth of a baby is one time when every woman needs four brand new good friends.
I absolutely loved this book!!! Did u read any fun pregnancy books like this one? Wish I could find another I enjoy as much as that one! :) xx