Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Pregnancy Survival: The Highs and Lows

Not all parts of pregnancy are amazing and lovely and wonderful.. bla bla bla.. some of it can really suck, and its usually stuff "they" don't tell you about in the books!
Here are my highs and lows of pregnancy so far (i'll start with the lows so we can end on a high!)

You are worried ALL of the time about everything
You are completely exhausted for at least 2 third of your pregnancy
Your mood swings are uncontrollable and tears are basically an everyday thing
People tend to look at your bump instead of looking at you when they greet you
You have to really cross your legs when you cough, sneeze or laugh too hard
Your skin won't be "glowing", in my case it got very dry, rashy and spotty
Some days everything everywhere just hurts for no reason at all
You basically have nothing to wear, ever!
You have to listen to some really quite pushy mums about how to raise your baby - even though you probably know exactly how and what you want to do!
You'll always get at least 1 person who hates the names you suggest which really puts you off them
You can't eat dippy eggs.
People seem to give you a little extra attention, in a nice way!  They tend to smile at you lovingly and ask you how you are and you'll find all sorts of new friends through just being pregnant
You will have odd good days where you do have that glow and feel rather good about yourself
You can be a bit naughty and have that extra chocolate or takeaway
You get to take afternoon naps without being called old or boring!
You get to buy REALLY cute things, its obsessive trust me
It gives you a bit of a goal in life and something to look forward to
Its so fun picking names
You can cry at The Notebook without feeling like a plum
There is something comforting about having a baby bump and now I totally get why mums-to-be are constanly stroking and rubbing their bumps at all times
The end result will be a beautiful little miracle that will be worth all those lows in the end!


  1. You have been so polite with your lows.. don't forget; veiny oversized breasts with huge nippples and the slow unsatisfying wee's despite the urgency to go..
    Maybe you have those delights to come?? :-x


  2. Hahahaha so true SJ I didn't want to get carries away and gross everyone out ;-) xx


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