Saturday 28 September 2013

What's in my Baby's Hospital Bag

I decided that now is the time to have my hospital bags packed and ready to go.. not because I think Harry will be making a very early appearance but because we are moving and I know its going to be a hectic last few weeks of pregnancy!  I need to make sure I at least have our bags ready even if our house isn't!!
This first post is dedicated just to what's in Harrys hospital bag as, lets face it, its the more interesting of the 2 and much cuter and fun!
We packed most of his bits and pieces in his changing bag from Cath Kidston.  Its really spacious with all its pockets, its wipe able and its really lightweight even when its full to the brim!
Cath Kidston Changing Bag

10 x nappies - Our hospital provide you with more if needed so I'm not going overboard
2 x muslin cloths
3 x sleepsuits - these ones are from Next and have built in scratch mittens
1st outfit - a pure white cotton 'Welcome to the World' sleepsuit from Mama's & Papa's
3 x vests
2 x bibs
1 x socks
1 x hat - although I will be adding a couple more when I find some nice ones!
1 x scratch mittens
knitted booties - these were a present from Grandad Ken all the way from Portugal, they are adorable!!
Various toiletries - including cotton pads, cotton buds, sanitiser, nappy cream, sudocream, Johnson's Baby Oil and Top to Toe Wash
There are a few items still to pack such as a blanket, towel, snow suit and a pack of Waterwipes.  Now I know hospitals frown upon you using wipes on newborn babies however Waterwipes are absolutely suitable from birth as they are made with 99.9% purified water and 0.01% natural fruit extract
We are also going to be packing a baby hair brush just in case Harry is born with a thick mop of curly black hair like his mummy!!
What did you pack in your baby's hospital bag??  Do you have anything else you can recommend me adding??


  1. Where did u get your muslin cloths? Love the colour! Xx

  2. Ahh so exciting!! The sleepsuits are so adorable :) I've never heard of waterwipes, they sound great. I had some Johnson's From Birth wipes or something similar but my midwife told me I HAD to pack a top n tail and some cotton wool balls. Never used them though. xx

    Curls & Swirls Beauty Blog

  3. Yayy!! so exciting!! I'm sure it all feels more real now!! By the way I did read once that you should always take a couple of straws for yourself, as during labour you might get thirsty and that way your boyfriend can easily give you some drink without spilling it all over you whilst you push!! LOL! Funny but they might be useful! :) xxxx

  4. If you need a section Hun (fingers crossed you don't) take a few more baby grows and vests, baby will be a bit sicky with fluid etc. I took three and Andi had to go home and get more (twice, he bought 0-3months up lol) xx

  5. Hi Emma! They are from Sainsburys and were a multipack of 4 :-) x

  6. It is very exciting Kat! I heard of waterwipes via Anna Saccone from The Style Diet.. She swears by them for her daughter Emilia! X

  7. Ahh thanks for the tip Krissy! I will pack a straw or 2!! X

  8. Thanks SJ I will defo add a few more of everything if we end up with the section in that case!!! X

  9. Aww adorable!! It makes it feel so exciting and real when you get to pack the bags x

  10. Ahh its all getting so close! Loving your bag though :)


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