Monday, 9 September 2013

30 Week Update

How far along?  30 fricken weeks and 2 days!

Total weight gain:  I don't think the bump has grown this week and I'm thinking maybe its because I had been poorly and not eating my usual amount or something! I think i made up for it with some calorific treats this weekend though!
I will let you know my weight and measurements in my 31 week update as I have a midwife appointment the day before 

Maternity clothes?  I have purchased a couple of dresses from EBay after seeing another pregnancy blogger wearing a gorgeous dress from there.  I will do a post on them when they arrive if they are any good!

Stretch marks?  None yet.. I seriously think I am pushing my luck now!? Running low on Palmer's Cocoa Butter but still using it for now on my tummy, hips, bum and thighs! The skin in my tummy is becoming drier though so i feel i may need to add in a lunchtime session for stretch mark cream! 
Still using the Mama Mio boob lift treatment, it has become my holy grail product (review here

Sleep:  Sleep has been random this week.. sleeping well some nights and not at all other nights! I feel super tired but toss and turn for hours. I have also been having SUPER weird baby related dreams that I am hating right now!!  They are scary!!  The worst one was the night after our antenatal class and I think it was all because we had been talking non-stop babies for 2 hours!  By the way I will be doing a post about our first class if anyone is interested in how it went..

Best moment this week:  I think we have a moving date.. and it is BEFORE Harry is due!!

Worst moment this week:  I had a tummy bug which sucked and my skin has been so so SO bad its been making me cry!

Miss anything?  Not much this week really!

Movement: Still loads of movement which is great :)  Some of the movements/kicks really hurt now and make me jump!  I wish I knew what position he was in though.. right now I keep thinking everything is a head!

Food cravings:  I have been loving ham and mustard mayo sandwiches from M&S! All weekend I really wanted peanut butter and we didnt have any as well!  I don't seem to be craving coke or Terry's Chocolate Orange any more!!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Still suffering from nausea this week most days

Gender: Boy!!

Labour signs: None

Symptoms:  Again, sooooo much rib pain!  Still on my right side at the front and the back so I am guessing Harry is still in the same position (whatever that may be!)  I am still yet to find much relief from it, does anyone have any recommendations??

Belly button in or out?  Flat/slightly in/slightly out still! 

Happy or moody most of the time?  I would go with.. happy!

Looking forward to: Finishing work! I have 3 weeks left!!!




  1. such a yummy mummy... not long now and we will both have our little boys xxx

  2. Oh lucie you make it look so easy and so glam too!! All the best for the next few weeks xx

  3. Ahh and you are SJ!! Not long at all for you!!!! xx

  4. Haha ahh thank you Tina!!! Certainly isn't easy but I'm glad I make it look it! x

  5. I know I keep saying it but you look amazing, totally agree with SJ Clarke up there, yummy mummy :) Love your new hair SO much! xx

  6. Hahaha thank you Hannah you lovely thing!! Xxx


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