Friday 13 September 2013

Just for Fun: Cool Kids

These days I am more interested in celebrity's kids than I am the celebrities themselves (OK David Beckham is a total exception to that rule, understandably)
So here is a round up of some of the coolest most fashionable kiddies.. just for fun!!

Harper Seven Beckham - David & Victoria Beckham's daughter
A top knot, a seat on the front row of Mummy's fashion show and the hottest Dad in the world!  Harper Seven is one super cool little lady and I can't wait to see how she evolves as she grows up!!

Aila Wang - Alexander Wang's niece
Surely a child of this age does not need a handbag, let alone a Chanel one!  Totally ridiculous but OH soooooo cool!!

Flynn Bloom - Miranda Kerr's & Orlando Bloom's son
Flynn is never far from his supermodel Mum Miranda and she always makes sure her little man is looking suave and fashionable as she does!

Matilda Ledger - Michelle Williams & Heath Ledgers daughter
Such a cute little lady who looks just like her father..  Loving the yellow mac teamed with bright pink wellingtons!!

Suri Cruise - Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes daughter
I remember seeing this image a while ago and thinking HELL NO to a child in heels.. but I can't help but kind of love what Suri's got going on here!!

Mason Disick - Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick
Now for the King of cool.. Mr Mason Disick!  Not only is this little boy super super fashionable but he is so damn cute and happy too!!  I nearly died when I heard this line on the Kardashians "I love the beach, and life" - AAWWW!!




  1. Lol! I love celeb kids. Have you read the Suri Cruise blog? Its hilarious!!!

    love suri and Mason


  2. They are so cute huh! NO i haven't! I need to read this!!! x


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