Total weight gain: Oh who bloody knows..!!
Maternity clothes? Nothing new at all now and I don't plan to buy anything else! I finish work on Monday which will be a releif as I have struggled to find anything suitable to wear that is flattering and comfortable! I will be spending the next few weeks decorating our new house so I can live in leggings and a comfy tee! Yay!!
Stretch marks? Zero. I owe this all so far to Palmers Original Formula Cocoa Butter!! That and of course the Mama Mio Boob Tube on my boobs (review here) !
Sleep: This has been my worst week of sleep so far! Every single night I have struggled to drop off and then once I do I am shortly awake again with either a tummy ache, rib pain or desperate for a wee! Its not nice at all and I really hope I manage to get some good quality sleep in before Harry arrives!
Best moment this week: We exchanged on our house!!! FINALLY! It was the most amazing feeling as the whole of my whole pregnancy we have been super stressed trying to buy a house and then waiting to actually get the keys! We complete on Monday so its all systems go on the decorating front!
Worst moment this week: My awful sleep pattern has definitely been my worst moment this week
Miss anything? A good solid nights sleep!!
Movement: Harry hasn't managed to turn and is still breech! His head feels harder than ever under my rib its crazy!! I still get so much movement from him but it feels very much like he isn't finding it easy to turn or he just doesn't want to!! Either way its so uncomfortable for me and it surely can't be good for him either, so I hope he does turn soon
Food cravings: I'm really into hot chocolate with hazelnut flavouring again this week! Mmmm mmm!
I want one now...
I want one now...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing is making me feel particularly sick or nauseous this week
Gender: Boy!! I am actually happier than ever about having a little boy after visiting Sarah from Bump, Baby C and Me and her new little man Albie! He is truly amazing and gorgeous and it was really really lovely to see the bond him and his Daddy have already got going! I can't wait for Scott and Harry to meet and be the same! Here is a little pic of Albie, if you don't already follow Sarah's blog then go and check it out - she has just posted her birth story!!
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SUPER cute. |
Labour signs: None
Symptoms: Again, rib pain which is constant! My skin has improved slightly and I am going to post about what I think has helped it very soon :)
Heartburn and acid reflux is quite bad this week and I think that's because he is getting bigger and is pushed right up against my tummy
I have had a few tummy aches mainly at night and I'm pretty sure its the weight of my bump when I am on one side too long or maybe just hormones or something
One thing I don't have and haven't had for my whole pregnancy is sore boobs! I don't know if that's something I should be concerned about as it seems I am the only pregnant lady I know who hasn't suffered from it!?
Heartburn and acid reflux is quite bad this week and I think that's because he is getting bigger and is pushed right up against my tummy
I have had a few tummy aches mainly at night and I'm pretty sure its the weight of my bump when I am on one side too long or maybe just hormones or something
One thing I don't have and haven't had for my whole pregnancy is sore boobs! I don't know if that's something I should be concerned about as it seems I am the only pregnant lady I know who hasn't suffered from it!?
Belly button in or out? Flat and half out now!! My inny is totally non-existent!
Happy or moody most of the time? Even though I am MEGA tired I am so happy because we finally have our house!!
Looking forward to: Leaving work and getting our keys on Monday, and finally being able to start decorating our little boys room!!!!!!!
Bump: This weeks bump pics are a little different as we went to our lovely friend Lindsey's wedding reception last night!! Here are a couple of snaps from the evening!