Tuesday 2 December 2014

Baby and Toddler Christmas Gift Guide

Unbelievably Harry just had his first birthday and Christmas is just around corner.. He's recently started to be a little more interested in toys but none of his are very stimulating anymore so I feel bright garish coloured toys are going to be dominating his wishlist this year!  
Heres some first birthday and Christmas ideas for your very own 1 year old..

1.  Sockette Hand Puppet from £12.95 on Amazon - These super brightly coloured hand puppets are absolutly perfect for babies and toddlers! Harry gets so excited by puppets and will imitate their mouths opening - so cute!

2.  My First Gadget Set £20 from ELC - If your little one is anything like mine he or she LOVES remotes, phones and keys.. basically anything important that we don't want them to touch and break!  This gadget set is the perfect thing to help distract them from the real thing - I think the remote looks pretty realistic, don't you!?

3.  Jellycat FuddleWuddle Polar Bear* £17 from Jellycat - Its no secret that I am a huge fan of Jellycat soft toys! The quality of them really makes them stand out for me from the average cuddly bear and the FuddleWuddle Polar Bear is no exception!  Harry was kindly gifted this one from JC themselves and he can often be found giving him a loving cuddle whilst watching his fave telly programmes!

4.  Dance and Shout Mickey £31.99 from Argos - This was a present we actually bought Harry for his first birthday! Yes its very bright and loud and annoying but the boy is head over heels for it!  With the push of a button Mickey bursts into song and dances about like a nut case, and who doesn't love Mickey Mouse?!

5.  Alphabet Fridge Magnets from £4.98 on Amazon - I find these come in really handy when i'm in the kitchen as a distraction for Harry away from the hot oven!  He spends ages taking them on and off the fridge and as he gets older they will help with teaching him his alphabet!  (They are also great for leaving funny messages for your other half on the fridge!) 

6.  Zara Baby Clothing - This one isn't based on one particular item but if you are looking for gorgeous quality and nice boys clothing then head to Zara baby!  Its not just stripes and checks like every other little boys section and is quite reasonably priced

7.  Baby Bjorn Cup £7.90 from PreciousLittleOne - This one is more of a practical present and another one that we have bought for Harry ourselves. The Baby Bjorn cup is the perfect starter cup for toddlers and helps to teach them to make the transition from beakers. Its really tiny but enough to hold a good drink for your little one - Harry adores sipping out of his!

What are you getting your toddler for their Birthday or Christmas??!


Friday 28 November 2014

Harry is One!!

I never knew unconditional love until I met my son Harry. It's the kind of love that you would put your life on the line for without a second of hesitation. 
Today Harry turns one - probably the biggest milestone we've accomplished so far! It's got me reflecting on this past year which has been a crazy crazy ride of tears, laughter, exhaustion and adventures! I feel I owe you lot a little big thanks for your words, encouragement and most of all friendships along the way.. I couldn't have made it through this year without you!

Right, I'm off to continue spoiling my lad with cuddles, cake and toys galore! Happy 1st Birthday Harry, I wouldn't change you for the world 

Monday 24 November 2014

Smiley Print Photo Strips

Smiley Print Photo Strips $10
I spent a large portion of my teenage years in those old school 90's photo booths pouting, peace signing and sticking my tongue out to create ridiculous strips of memories with my best friends! So when i received these gorgeous photo strips from Smiley Print* I was overjoyed that photobooth'esque is coming back!!

Smiley Print collated my fave snaps of Harry from my instagram collection (there's quite a few of course #harryspam) into these gorgeous 4x17cm columns which are perfect size for keeping in my purse or popping into little frames.  They could also be used as bookmarks or for scrapbooking!

They offer a whole range of printing options including whether you want your photos in matte or glossy (i adore the matte look), you can adjust and resize using their super simple website and the best bit is the price is ridiculously reasonable...  These photo strips are $10 for 12 strips!!

You can get your hands on these photo strips as well as loads of other photo printing goodies on the Smiley Print website, I've got my eye on their photo sticker books!!

Did you love a photobooth photo when you were younger??

*Thank you Smiley Print for sending us these beautiful prints!


Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Babybeau Ellie*

I wouldn't have used just one handbag in my pre-harry days so I why should I have just the 1 changing bag?! That's my motto anyway..
The most recent addition to my collection is this stunning berry beauty by Babybeau. The Ellie is everything I crave in a changing bag and more, she's spacious, stylish and crammed with all the added goodies you'd expect from such a high end bag

The Ellie is made of luxurious real cows leather, adorned with gold hardware and the berry shade I chose is perfect for my A/W wardrobe!
She can be worn 3 ways - hand held, over the shoulder or across the body using the handy adjustable strap. Until recently I never realised how handy a long adjustable strap was, when your bambino is more active you literally don't have enough hands and slinging this over your shoulder is a lifesaver in a hands-free-crisis!

The classic shopper tote design is a winner for me, it's roomy for both mum and baby and comes with a removable organiser which will be a necessity when I go back to work and hand Harry over to his nanny! This then leaves the bag all for me and my junk *hoorah!* However the bag isn't so big that its bulky and this stops me from filling it with uneccessary items (something i ALWAYS do)

Inside is a leatherette changing mat and a thermo bottle holder, how chic are the stripes!? Also included is a handy little pouch perfect for those loose little bits usually found at the pit of your bag or your car keys - no more awkward fumbles with child-on-hip at the front door! Oh and did I mention it's all water resistant, praise the Lord!

I really do think I'm onto a winner with my Babybeau changing bag, I feel me and Ellie are going to become BFFs in no time!!

If you too would like to match your changing bag to the season then you can get your hands on the Babybeau Ellie from John Lewis, Mamas and Papas or directly from Babybeau.. OH and its also available in black, navy and tan!
What changing bag do you use??


Thursday 2 October 2014

Harry's Autumn/Winter Wardrobe

Its one of my favourite times of the year, and although I hate the cold I absolutely love dressing for it and dressing Harry is no exception!
I am so impressed with what's available this season for little boys, I feel like the highstreet shops have really started to step up their game and keep up with these quirky boutiques selling baby boy leggings galore!
Here are a few things Harry is I am lusting after picks and some things we have already bought our little one for the chillier days ahead of us..
Knitted Grey Leggings, £5.99 from H&M Kids - Firstly, these are girls leggings! I often find myself wandering through the lady baby section to find little gems like these that Harry can get away with wearing! These are totally unisex and look amazing on our little man, as well as being super warm!
Navy Turteneck, £3.99 from H&M Kids - There's something so French about these turtleneck bodies from H&M! I totally love them and have a couple for Harry's A/W wardrobe, they will look fab alone or with jumpers on top
Striped Waffle Knit Sweater, £8 from Tesco F&F - What an absolute bargain from Tesco! I love this stripey number and think it will look fab teamed with skinnies and a turtleneck!
Striped Basic Long Sleeved Tee, £3.99 from H&M Kids - You can't go wrong with Breton on yourselves or on your baby boy! Some people can't stand stripes as it seems everything for boys is adorned with them, but I cant get enough!!
Scarf, £7.99 from Zara Baby - I picked this up a couple of weeks ago and I'm desperate for the cold weather to kick in now so I can Instagram the hell out of Harry wearing it!! Totally cute, and they had all different colours!
Grey Zip Up Hoodie, £14.99 from Zara Baby - I needed a plain zip up to get Haribo through these nippier days before having to wear a full on coat and this one from Zara was perfect.  Its a lovely light grey with just a little mask applique on it, it goes with abslutly everything and has a hood for any sudden showers!
Grey Fur Lined Coat, £27.99 from Zara Baby - Mr H fell in love with this one and declared we had to have it for our winter toddler! It is admittedly gorgeous and lined with the softest fur I have ever felt! I have no doubt in my mind that H dog will be lovely and warm in this bad boy!
Chelsea Boots, £19.99 from Zara Baby - I feel like it would be really naughty to buy these and possibly a huge waste of money as they look totally unpracticle/uncomfortable for little toddling tootsies BUT they are bloody baby Chelsea boots - what could be cuter?????!
Striped Socks, £3.99 from H&M Kids - I've said it before and i'll say it again.. H&M do the best staying-on-socks hands down, these stripey ones will see us through the season
Grey Pom Pom Trousers, £15.99 from Zara Baby - Another purchase from the girls section but again these are completely unisex and your little man can totally get away with them! Harrys even worn his with the pom pom belt on and didn't look in the slightest bit feminine!
Bobblehat, £7.99 from Zara Baby - Its a bobble hat. For a baby. Cuteness overload
Jeans, £12 from Next - I deteste babies in jeans.  Before I found these from Next! They are so so soft and stretchy and aren't jean material at all! They look mega wicked on him and he can crawl about in them reallyyyyy easily so I am now a baby jean convert!
I would love to see what your little one will be wearing this A/W!


Wednesday 1 October 2014

Life Lately

Shirt - Barbour
I've been a bad blogger lately.. Unfortunately life has taken over and I have had to let it! My child is crawling all over the place and constantly needs entertaining/feeding/cleaning/cuddling etc etc... Being a parent literally takes over your world and when you aren't rolling around on the grass with them or wiping their sticky faces, then you are most likely taking a well deserved bath or catching up on telly! 
I met a girl a couple of weekends ago in Topshop, who excitedly ran up to me to tell me she watched my videos! It was really surreal and I didn't know what to say at all (sorry girl in topshop!!) but it made me realise that I love blogging and how great the blogger community is and how much I have been missing it - SO I'M BACK!!

I have so many new and exciting products and bits and pieces to blog about so I'm going to see aside some time to get right back into it ASAP!!

Also, I've had tons of questions about Harry and his hearing, when will he have his operation etc etc.. so I thought I would do a little vlog on my YouTube channel to answer those questions and maybe give you more of an insight into life with a deaf little one! We are so open about his hearing loss and it would be great to share some of the things we get up to with you - and you may also see why I don't get a lot of time to blog!!

Thanks for always being there and I'll be back real soon.. xx

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Stokke Steps High Chair*

Enjoying a good munch on a spoon!
You may have seen that our Harry is into his food! He absolutely loves meal times and so do we now he's in his big boy seat!  We have moved on from the baby bouncer of our Stokke Steps system and onto the highchair attachment - for me I consider this was a huge and exciting milestone!!

As with all the Stokke products, the Baby Set High Chair is just so visually appealing.. It looks fab in my living room if I do say so myself! I've said it before and I will say it again but its incredibly difficult to find stylish as well as practical baby items, but Stokke have achieved both of those in this high chair. 

You've seen the wooden base in my previous post so I won't go into too much detail again there.. The Baby Set attachment literally slots onto the frame with a simple click and you can use it with or without the tray as it's removed in one quick swipe!
Harry however loves the tray and finds it highly entertaining banging toys on it or smothering it in mushy strawberries and cauliflower cheese (together)!! It clips in ever so easily *just one side note, try not to trap their little fingers if you're putting it on with them already in the high chair as I did the first time #badmummy*

Harry always seems so proud of himself when he's sat in his Stokke Highchair, like he's now the King of the castle! It's most certainly built to grow with them as well, the straps are there for the littl'uns and then you can gradually move the seat backwards as your child expands!

The whole thing is completely wipeable with no annoying books or crannys for food to get stuck in and as I mentioned the tray is removable which is fab as it can go straight to the kitchen to be scrubbed!

The only downside to the highchair is that it doesn't fold up like a lot of the others out there and it's most certainly not transportable. However this isn't really an issue for us and it fits nicely tucked in under our dining room table, it's so good lookin' you wouldn't even notice it was there!

We love you Stokke!!!

What highchair do you use?? 

Friday 18 July 2014

Harry at 7 Months

Top - Primark, Shorts - Mamas & Papas

Apologies for my absence, its been a super busy few weeks of hospital appointments, social events and holidaying!  I am back and I have plenty of posts in the pipeline for you as well as some vlogs! This post is a little late due to said busy'ness as H is now almost 8 months eeeek!
It's terrifying that in just a few short months our son will be a year old - and hopefully will be able to hear! It still seems like only weeks ago we were sat staring at this little embryo on a screen in front of us!!
As Harry gets older I enjoy him even more but he can also be a lot more difficult now he's stronger and on the move! 

Striped Long Sleeved Vest - Gap, Jeans - Zara, Teddy - The Bear Factory

Weight:  I haven't had Harry weighed in a good few weeks (mummy life is busy whoops) but I know he is definitely putting on a nice amount if weight and hasn't lost his chubby thighs! I'm going with around 19 and a half pounds!

Bib - Tommee Tippee

Daily:  Harry now stays a wake quite a bit longer than before. He stays awake around 2.5 - 3 hours at a time before he needs to nap. Wake up time is generally 7am and I put him down for a nap by 10am, and lately he has been sleeping until half 11 which is lovely for both him and me! He will have his lunch not long after he wakes and then we have a good few hours of playtime, seeing friends or going out for walks. Teatime is usually half 5 followed by some nappy free time and a bit of rough and tumble with daddy in the living room! We try to bath Harry most nights if we are home so that happens about 6.30 and then it's off to bed!

Likes:  My child is a telly addict! Thankfully though we have moved on from Baby TV and we've upgraded to the Disney Channel which I find much more tolerable!! His absolute fave is Doc McStufifns -  Scott and I know all the words to the songs! He's also quite partial to a bit of Mickey Mouse!
Harry absolutely loves being frightened! If you jump out at him he will give you the biggest belly laugh, I think we need to get him a jack-in-a-box if they still exist??!

Dislikes:  So far I have struggled to get Harry to eat meat. Luckily he loves fish but chicken is just not his favourite!
He absolutely hates having his face cleaned! I think this is quite common with little ones and he screams like it's the end of the world as soon as that wet wipe comes near him! (He does however like to eat wet wipes instead)

Bedtime:  Little H is still great at going to sleep at bedtime, I put him down awake and he settles himself within 10 minutes nuzzling right into a stuffed elephant! Since he is much more mobile he has started to sleep on his side instead of just on his tummy and we have even caught him sleeping on his back a few times, which was unheard of a couple of months back!
We still don't often get a whole solid nights sleep with our little rascal, he tends to wake up once or twice in the night for his dummy. We probably don't help ourselves here as we get up and go in to pop it back in his mouth instead of letting him winge it out - he would probably settle himself back to sleep eventually but it's hard when you really just want to go back to sleep as quickly as possible

Eating: We are incredibly lucky as Harry has taken to weaning/food like an absolute dream. He still isn't a huge fan of meat but loves fish, veg, fruit and cheese. He's starting to get a little bored of purees so we are giving finger foods at the same time so he can start getting used to feeding himself. The Boots own brand of baby crisps are a favourite in our house as well as the Ella's Kitchen Puffs and Philadelphia sandwiches!

Top - John Lewis, Shorts - H&M Kids

Clothing: We are very between sizes at the moment and a lot of 3-6 month clothing still fits H, but it really does depend where it's from as he fits into 6-9 months snugly as well! Current fave shops are Next, Gap and H & M Kids.  I am loving dungarees and cute shorts right now on Haribo!

Milestones: Harry can just about crawl!! It's terrifying as I now realise I can't just prop him up in front of the telly and leave him whilst I take a quick shower and he most certainly can't be left to roll about on the bed unaided!
He can chew food really well, we can give him little bits of our dinner and he can eat it without choking or gagging
Harry has almost mastered putting his dummy in his mouth - I literally cannot wait for this to be a regular occurrence!
Somehow he has learnt to shake his head as if he's saying "no"! I'm not sure if he knows what he is doing but he seems to do it when he doesn't want to eat what I'm trying to force down him or when that dreaded wet wipe comes near!!

Shirt - JoJo Maman Bebe

Hearing: You can read all about where we are with Harry's hearing in my precious post but we had our first introductory appointment in Southampton this week so the process to get him the cochlear implant is starting! 

What is your 7 month old up to?!

Thursday 12 June 2014

#helpingharryhear - Where We Are Today..


Today we took this little watermelon (daddy thinks he looks like a girl) for a test at the hospital, one we have been quite apprehensive about. The test was to try and see how much Harry is hearing with his hearing aids in. Now up until today we haven't been sure at all as to what our bug has been hearing or reacting to, we know he babbles away to us and himself but weren't too sure if he was startled by sounds or reacting to our voices

It turns out that hearing aids just aren't enough for Haribo and we need to be going down another route to give him sound. Unfortunately they didn't get the responses they were looking for and have decided his hearing loss is more profound than we first thought

We have been reffered to Southampton to start the tests and processes involved in getting Harry a cochlear implant. Our doctors are sure that this will give him an amazing level of hearing so he can gain access to speech, music and all those lovely sounds we take for granted! It involves a major operation most likely before Harry turns 1, which is daunting but amazing as he won't even remember it and should hopefully pick up speech from a very young age!

Today I felt sad, scared and happy all at once. I was sad that my son can't hear my terrible singing, scared for the operation but happy for the future and the thought of him hearing all the wonderful sounds the world has to offer him!

So tonight, as I write this I'm sitting cuddling my baby boy in his sleepy milk coma in absolute silence, realising that even with no sound or words spoken he knows how much we love and adore him and life's going to be just fine 

Thursday 5 June 2014

My 1st Vlog: What's in my Changing Bag?!

My 1st ever YouTube video is now live!! I hope you like it! Please excuse the "ummm's" and "errrr's"

You can watch my video here

If you do like it then it would love it if you would give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel! There are lots more vlogs to come :-)

Monday 2 June 2014

Saviour Snack Box*

There is rarely time in a busy mums day to prepare a healthy, balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner let alone nutritious snacks as well. I am definitely guilty of reaching for a sneaky packet of Walkers or a few cubes of choccie to curb my hunger pangs whilst seeing to my attention craving 6 month old! We all know that carb heavy sugary snacks do nothing for our energy levels in the long run and result in unwanted love handles and a sluggish feeling only minutes later!

I was delighted when I received this mega box of healthy treats through my front door from Saviour Snacks! What a fabulous idea for mums who like me who have limited time to take care of themselves when it comes to food!

As you can see my box was full to the brim with delicious and varied nibbles! My fave scrumptious snack was the Primal Bar a paleo option which surprised me as it looked the least appetising.. It had a nutty almost chocolatey taste that instantly took away my craving for a chunk of Cadburys! I also loved the almonds, the spicy popcorn and the olives!

Saviour Snacks have thought of everything.. They have a range of options tailored to suit your dietery needs, including a skinny box for those looking to slim down, a dairy free box, gluten free box and a super box which is big enough to feed your whole family!

Not only are the Saviour snack boxes perfect for a mum, like me, but they are great for all the family especially those who are constantly visiting the "junk cupboard" for their next fix! The boxes cost £15 a week which I know is a lot more than boxes such a Graze, however they are jam packed full of all the snacks you would need for the week unlike Graze boxes which let's face it you could easily consume in just one day!

What's your favourite healthy snack??

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Harry at 6 Months

Time has flown by and all of a sudden my little squishy faced baby is now turning into a proper little boy, Harry is now 6 months old - this kid has been in our lives for half a year??!!  We survived!! Yay!! Holy crap its been the most mental, hectic, stressful, exciting, emotional, happy, precious 6 months of our lives and I wouldn't change a second of it!!

Bashful Monkey soft toy from Jellycat

Weight: H is solid.  Not fat just solid!!  He weighs a whopping 17lb 15! I'm not sure if hes really our child as Scott and I are such tiny people!!

Chinos with braces from Zara
Playsuit from Lavish Alice
Daily: We have a pretty good routine going now (on a good day).  Harry wakes around 7am for a bottle and breakfast, he naps at 9ish for 45 mins to an hour then we get him dressed and play until his next bottle at 11.  He then goes down for a lunchtime nap at 12pm which can last up to 2 hours but we still don't get this everday which is a real shame as he definitely needs the sleep, he is SO much happy when he takes the long nap! I give him lunch shortly after he wakes up and then another bottle at 3 - although I have missed this a few times now by accident and he hasn't really moaned for it!  He will usually have a cat nap about 4 to recharge his batteries and then we have tea at 5.30pm, bath at 6.30pm and bottle/bed by 7pm! PHEW! Writing it down makes it seem hard work!
Harry is just starting to master sitting up which is SO much fun as he can see the world from a different view and play with his toys a lot easier!  He really isn't much of a fan of rolling around for some reason, but he does still love to lay on him tummy!
We try to get out the house with Haribo everyday so we can often be found strolling into town for a walk by late afternoon if its been a home day! I swear fresh air helps babies sleep better so I cant wait until our garden is finished and the weather is nicer so we can go out to play more! Its also a really great distraction from teething and other baby complaints he may have that day!

Blue dungarees from Next and Hat H&M
Bedtime:  We have had a few 2am wake up calls lately from the little rascal!  He tends to roll himself over onto his back in his sleep and then cries because he can't roll back onto his tummy again so all we have to do is run in there and roll him - however i really hope he learns to do this himself soon!! He also wakes at 5.30am every single morning which I think has becoime a habit more than anything as he goes right back to sleep if we go into him. I am thinking of trying the "wake to sleep" method as i have heard good things but would love to hear from anyone else who has tried it first

Baby bouncer by Stokke
Eating:  Turning 6 months is super exciting in terms of foods we can give Harry to try! I think he can pretty much have everything now apart from honey and nuts?! 
I spent a morning cooking this week to whip up his next dishes and bigger portions than before as well, using my Beaba Babycook - you can read more about that here!  So far he has tried Annabel Karmel's Lovely Lentils (he loved) and also her Chicken Casserole (he hated) and he is a huge mega fan of yoghurts!
I want to start giving him a few finger foods but i'm scared for some reason!! I would love to hear any suggestions for the first finger foods to try him on!?
Harry also still has 4 bottles a day usually taking 5oz in each, I am guessing we should drop one of these soon i'm just not sure which one!?

Bashful Monkey soft toy from Jellycat and Pram Quinny

Clothing: We are still wearing our 3-6 month clothing which is great as we don't have a lot of 6-9 month gear, or much summer clothing come to think of it!  We are off on holiday very soon so we will be picking up a few summery pieces going absolutely nuts baby shopping for that!

Bashful Monkey soft toy from Jellycat and Musy by Aden & Anais

  • Harry can sit YAY!!
  • He has prety much masteted eating purees and can tolerate a few lumps!
  • He makes a lot more different noises now which is amazing for us to hear considering his hearing loss
  • He can just about put his dummy back in his mouth when he picks it up!
Baby bouncer by Stokke
Hearing: Its still the same old kicking up a fuss routine every morning when we put Harry's magic ears in and as he is getting bigger and stronger it can be really difficult to "pin" him down and get them in!  
We had our first sign lesson last week and I really loved it! I learnt my alphabet pretty much straight away and I can't wait for little H to do his first sign!! My guess is that it will be either "milk" or "more"!!
We have a test in June that will be the first one to start determining whether or not he is benefiting from his hearing aids so that will be a big day for us all

As we have come to this big ol' milestone of 6 months I just wanted to say thank you so much to all of my readers, some of you now great friends, for your following, support and love!!!  You're all FAB!

I would love to hear about what your 6 month old is up to?!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Harry's Weaning Journey: The Beaba BabyCook

Weaning Harry has been so much fun and pretty entertaining and it's also been made a whole lot easier by a fabulous machine called the Beaba BabyCook! It steams and purees your desired ingredients to perfection whilst locking in all those yummy nutrients!
I find it a dream to use and I don't dread cooking up Harry's menu as there's barely any prep work or washing up involved! You simply chop up your fruit or veg and pop it in the steamer basket with the recommended amount of water (it comes with a guide). Feel free to then put your feet up with a cuppa for 10 mins - or in reality attempt to do some household chores whilst tending to a grizzly baby - then once steamed you just whizz them in the blender with a little of the cooking water, and voila you have made your very first purée!

Little H is still having formula alongside his food although he has cut down how much he will take, usually around 5oz, and he has 4 bottles a day.
He thoroughly enjoys his fruity porridge breakfast or some bubba cereal and at the moment which I give to him straight after his morning milk (around 7.30am).  I'm thinking of starting to give it to him a bit later though to break up the morning a bit more and keep him fuller longer - I'm not sure?!

Lunchtime for our little chubs is around 1.45pm - 2pm after he has woken from his afternoon nap. He will have some sort of veggie purée, some days followed by a fruit one or a piece of fruit in his feeder net! 

The next meal Harry will have is at around 5.30pm where he will have another veg purée, which he will usually gobble down without a fuss with a few gulps of water from a bottle! He then gets a good old chew and suck on his feeder bet again with a yummy fruity treat in it - 9 times out of 10 he will cry when he finishes it!! He loves the fruit! I have tried to get him into rusks but he's totally not bothered by them and just chucks it on the floor!

Harry has tried all of the below healthy treats so far:

Fruity porridge
Sweet potato
Butternut squash

His favourite is definitely the fruits, especially strawberry and apple, but he's also partial to a bit of parsnip and broccoli mixed with sweet potato!
The only thing that he has refused to swallow is plain carrot - but who can blame him they are kind of bland! Banana also didn't seem to agree with his tummy first time round and gave him a bit of constipation which was surprising as they are good for the digestive system, however he's fine with it now!

As the H monster turns 6 months in just a few weeks time we will be moving onto meats and slightly more textured purees! Eeeek! It seems like he is growing up so so quickly.. He'll be wolfing down steak and chips before we know it!

Have you started weaning your little one?? I would love to know what times you give them their meals!
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