Wednesday 1 October 2014

Life Lately

Shirt - Barbour
I've been a bad blogger lately.. Unfortunately life has taken over and I have had to let it! My child is crawling all over the place and constantly needs entertaining/feeding/cleaning/cuddling etc etc... Being a parent literally takes over your world and when you aren't rolling around on the grass with them or wiping their sticky faces, then you are most likely taking a well deserved bath or catching up on telly! 
I met a girl a couple of weekends ago in Topshop, who excitedly ran up to me to tell me she watched my videos! It was really surreal and I didn't know what to say at all (sorry girl in topshop!!) but it made me realise that I love blogging and how great the blogger community is and how much I have been missing it - SO I'M BACK!!

I have so many new and exciting products and bits and pieces to blog about so I'm going to see aside some time to get right back into it ASAP!!

Also, I've had tons of questions about Harry and his hearing, when will he have his operation etc etc.. so I thought I would do a little vlog on my YouTube channel to answer those questions and maybe give you more of an insight into life with a deaf little one! We are so open about his hearing loss and it would be great to share some of the things we get up to with you - and you may also see why I don't get a lot of time to blog!!

Thanks for always being there and I'll be back real soon.. xx


  1. Have missed your posts! Love the shirt in this picture, we will be watching your vlog on Harry's hearing.

    Poppy x

  2. So lovely to see you back blogging! I feel like us mummies should be allowed more hours in our day, just to get everything done! Can't wait to catch up with you and your handsome little man, hope you are all doing well!

    Nicola xx

  3. I have only recently found your blog and I love it. Kept checking back for new posts, will go look out for your YouTube too :) xxx

  4. Glad to have you back Lucie :-)
    Sending love all the way from Oman.


  5. Glad everything is going well Lucie! x


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