Thursday, 12 June 2014

#helpingharryhear - Where We Are Today..


Today we took this little watermelon (daddy thinks he looks like a girl) for a test at the hospital, one we have been quite apprehensive about. The test was to try and see how much Harry is hearing with his hearing aids in. Now up until today we haven't been sure at all as to what our bug has been hearing or reacting to, we know he babbles away to us and himself but weren't too sure if he was startled by sounds or reacting to our voices

It turns out that hearing aids just aren't enough for Haribo and we need to be going down another route to give him sound. Unfortunately they didn't get the responses they were looking for and have decided his hearing loss is more profound than we first thought

We have been reffered to Southampton to start the tests and processes involved in getting Harry a cochlear implant. Our doctors are sure that this will give him an amazing level of hearing so he can gain access to speech, music and all those lovely sounds we take for granted! It involves a major operation most likely before Harry turns 1, which is daunting but amazing as he won't even remember it and should hopefully pick up speech from a very young age!

Today I felt sad, scared and happy all at once. I was sad that my son can't hear my terrible singing, scared for the operation but happy for the future and the thought of him hearing all the wonderful sounds the world has to offer him!

So tonight, as I write this I'm sitting cuddling my baby boy in his sleepy milk coma in absolute silence, realising that even with no sound or words spoken he knows how much we love and adore him and life's going to be just fine 


  1. Such a lovely personal post, aww little Harry he is such a cutie, at the moment he doesn't know different just that he is a very loved little boy.
    I hope you hear about the operation soon and it all goes really well, it will be amazing for him to hear all those little sounds which like you say we do take for granted.
    I hope your ok it must be so hard having to stay strong.

    Gemma xx

  2. You are fantastic! and Harry is a little beaut. Its very scary but they are sooo many amazing advances in medicine. Keep smiling :)

    My little lady, Arabella, is a similar age to Harry! xx

  3. Lucie, you are such a courageous woman and Harry is so lucky to have you for a Mum! I'm sure everything will go well and little Harry's face will light up when he hears your voice for the first time. I know it takes a lot to stay strong through this, but you are doing amazingly. Best wishes. xx

    Danielle | My Little Roo ~ Pregnancy, Parenting & Lifestyle Blog

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  5. this was beautiful Lucie, it made me shed a little tear. I can't begin to imagine how much you both and obvs your little one have been through, but your love for each other is amazing. you guys have an amazing family, I love reading your posts and i hope everything goes super well, I'm so happy that Harry will be able to hear properly in the near future:)

  6. I'm new to your blog, but will no doubt be a regular reader.

    Harry is so cute! I love his watermelon outfit!! From a newly deaf 24 year old, I'm sending you all my love and hoping the cochlear implant gives him access to all the amazing sounds around us. It's surprising how much we take our hearing for granted unless hearing loss affects someone close to us. xx

    Vicki | A Life of Geekery

  7. Awww love his cute outfit! You are amazing, I don't think I could handle this as well as you do. Hang in there, all will be good!

  8. I'm loving this post! What an adorable watermelon outfit, he's sucha cutie. Have faith and hang in there, your doing a great job and I'm sure 'haribo' knows how much you all love him and keeping strong.

  9. He looks so cute in his little watermelon outfit. It must have been really scary going through all this with Harry's hearing. It's fantastic that he will be able to get his cochlear implant at such a young age and have access to all wonder that comes with sound.
    Faye |

  10. I just found your blog through Laura Belles Boutiques channel :) I love your blog and that you have started making YouTube videos! I currently work in a school as a 1:1 teaching assistant with a boy who has a hearing impairment it is so rewarding! Ive done work experience also at the Elizabeth Foundation in Cosham for hearing impaired children have you been there? they are so friendly and its great to see so many families together communicating about having a hearing impaired child :) I also learnt sign language up to level 2 its so fun being able to learn a new language :) xxx

  11. Started reading your lovely blog after reading (and watching ) hannah. You and Harry are so adorable! Just wanted to say that a friend of mines little boy was the youngest baby in the uk to have a cochlear implant (they decided to only do one side) He was six months at the time and is now 9years old. I wanted to resssure you that despite being so young for such a big operation it was 100% the right decision for him. His speech was absolutly amazing as soon as he started talking..there ws no difference between him and my own son...infact his speech was better! Xxx

  12. You're incredible!! :))) Everything will turn out great! The worst part is Harry might cry when he hears your singing if its as terrible as you say! hehe :) Harry is absolutely the cutest baby ever and you just wanna cuddle him up all day - love his pics!! P.S. Can't wait for your next Vlog, you go girl! :P xxxxx

  13. Hi there! I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I so enjoy your site... you crack me up and I really feel like I've found some tips from here that have made new mom life that little but more manageable and humorous, so cheers for that! :)

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my own site, and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year will bring in content @ Lucie and The Bump! Have a great day and don't forget to check out your nomination below and let me know if you accept!

  14. Wow - such a personal blog post. Thank you for sharing. I've recently become a follower (and a mummy blogger myself). Harry's story is so inspiring. I hope everything works out for you...I can't imagine what it would be like (thinking about my little 9 week old boy, now). You're obviously a loving mum and Harry's in good hands.xx


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