Sunday, 6 October 2013

Our New Home: Part 1

If you are a regular reader of Lucie & The Bump then you will know that we have spent the entire pregnancy so far trying to move house in time for our little mans arrival and this week my friends, we got our keys!!
We haven't exactly moved in yet as the place is pretty much a building site BUT it's coming along soooo quickly that we should be in there within a couple of short weeks!

I feel like you guys have been there every step of the way with us so it's only fair that we take you along on the journey of making our house into a home. So here are some snaps of our house before we started any work on it

One large front room/dining room! We love the size of this room and the fact it has original 1900's floorboards, which we plan to sand and varnish

The kitchen wasn't to our taste at all and felt very narrow and closed in so this room will be the biggest change to the house.. I can't wait to show you the finished result!!!

This is our second bedroom which is such a good size! We don't plan to do a lot to this room yet and it will most likely remain a storage room for a while

Our hallway!

This is where the Prince of the house will be sleeping and for me the most exciting room of the whole house!! The family who lived here before us also used this room as a nursery but I have I idea how their baby slept in this bright yellows s it gives me a headache!

Another shot of Harry's room 

This is our main bedroom which again is a really good size.  I adore the long windows which make the room really light, we plan to enhance this with a really fresh and light colour pallette

Another shot of our bedroom

So what do you think guys??? Was it worth the wait?!



  1. Ahhh big congrats Lucie! Its a lovely house, I love all the wooden floors. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it :-) xx

  2. Definitely worth the wait, it's going to look lovely! Can't wait to see the updates!! Especially baby Harry's room!! So exciting! �� Xxx

  3. Thank you Kat the wooden floors were a huge plus for us!! Can't wait to show you the progress :-) x

  4. Thank tou Krissy!! Baby Harry's room is actually almost done! We jut need to furnish it and make it all special now!! X

  5. It looks gorgeous. Simon L

  6. So much you could do with this house..will look lovely once done im sure :) Enjoy your new little family home hun x


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