Sunday 13 October 2013

My Baby Shower

This weekend one of my besties Jennie threw me an amazing baby shower!!
I had received my invitation a couple of months ago, so I knew it was going to be a "Little Man" theme with moustaches and everything! I'd been excited about it for weeks and it certainly did not disappoint!!

I arrived before everyone else so I could FaceTime Mr H and show him the amazing effort Jennie had put in! Her flat had practically been redecorated, it looked amazing!!

...This cake was homemade by Jennie - I think she is in the wrong proffession!! It looked absolutely perfect and tasted delicious!

...Jennie's other half created a slideshow of my bump update pictures!!

...So many lovely gifts!!!

...My big sis :-)

...We had a BYOB (bring your own baby) policy at the party! This is Harry's future friend April! 

...My niece Lily!

...Jennie adorned everything she could get her hands on with these chalkboard moustache stickers!

...Scott's sister and my mummy!

...I had a ridiculous amount of presents to open, we were so spoilt! This lovely gift box was put together by Sarah from Bump Baby C and Me and was full of cute things!

... I had a little helper to assist in present opening of course!

...Seriously this cake was absolutely incredible - yum!

...Thank you so much Jennie for arranging such a special day for Harry and I!! We love you!!


  1. What a gorgeous baby shower! What a lovely friend you have. That cale looks amazing. You look lovely in your blue dress!x

  2. Wow! Some great photos you have there!! I had a lovely time chicken xxx

  3. Thanks Harriet it was stunning my friend is the best!!! Thank you it's just a really cheap one from eBay!! X

  4. Hehe we had a fabulous photographer SJ ;-)

  5. Awww looks like such a lovely day! :) Do you know and SJ know each other outside of the blogosphere?


  6. Thank you lovely!! Yes we knew each other already :-) xx

  7. Wow what an awesome Baby shower your amazing friend has thrown you! It's so nice to celebrate the impending arrival of a new baby with your friends and family. Loved the theme and cake and decorations!! You look so healthy and excited! Good luck xx

  8. Thank you Tanya! It was so lovely and I agree baby showers are the best!! X

  9. Wow this is so lovely! I never had a baby shower but I wish I had, the cake is amazing and the flat looks so cute xx

    Curls & Swirls Beauty Blog

  10. Thank you Kat it really was so beautiful!! X

  11. Love your dress! Did you order it from Ebay? And which size did you go for? I'm looking for some dresses myself as I'm now almost 23 weeks!

  12. Thank you! Yes its from Ebay and was super cheap! I went for my normal size 6-8 and it came up quite big! x

  13. Hello, I've been reading your blog now since I found out I was pregnant at around 10 weeks, am now 31 weeks! Can't believe how fast it mum is throwing me a baby shower soon and I luv the popcorn boxes you had at your shower, but can't find them anywhere, do you know where your friend managed to get them please?
    Congratulations on the birth of your little boy he is so cute and has a wonderful smile. Hope he brings you a life time of happiness x

  14. That is really awesome! I like the idea of bringing patch fabric for quilt. It sounds like everyone of them had their share of contribution for Harry. He’s really like a prince! Haha! Anyway, how’s he now? Keep us updated, please! :)

    Susie Taylor


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