Friday 2 January 2015

A Royal First Birthday

Invitations by Forever Your Prints | Etsy
I can't believe this past November my little baby turned into a toddler and celebrated his very first birthday! Where on earth does the time go?   If you have a stationary newborn hold on to them tightly guys!!!
For his borthday we threw him a Prince themed birthday party at The Tea Bar in our home town and it was PERFECT!

Firstly I had to get invitations printed and handed out so I went with a pre-made template from a company on Etsy called Forever Your Prints, who were amazing and tweaked it to perfection! I would highly recommend them for invitations

I decided to get a bit creative and made a few felt crowns and a first birthday "chalkboard" (a tutorial will be up soon for both of these if you want one?!)


Seeing as there would be a whole age range we decided to hire a small soft play area for them littluns to get stuck into and it was a huge hit! We hired ours from Little Softies who have suppliers in various areas of the UK

The cake was handmade by my beautiful friend Jennie (she also organised my fabulous baby shower!) it was huge and oh soooooo chocolatey!!  She used a crown shaped cake tin to bake it and i think its totally GBBO-worthy! I got totally emotional when we all sang AND signed Happy Birthday around it!!

We were so overwhelmed and delighted at how many people turned up to celebrate Harry turning one, it was hectic but in a good way!!

Thank you to everyone who came to Harry's party and to all of you who sent gifts and left him birthday wishes!! He had the most amazing day!
OH and thank you to Sarah for taking such gorgeous photos for us!!!



  1. Wow so creative! I can't believe they turned 1 so long ago now xx

    1. Ahhh I know it's almost 2 months ago now isn't it!! X

  2. Sounds like a lovely birthday!! Love the chalkboard, so yes to the tutorial!!

    Kay | xxx

    1. Fab! Will get working on it.. It was so much fun to make! X

  3. Aw it looks lovely, I love the chalk board!! :) xx

  4. I have to post up our first birthday celebrations too. I did a chalkboard, but I'm no where near as creative as you hahah, mine was a rushed job the night before that took me until 2am lol x

    1. I can't wait to see! Let me know when you post it :-) I'm sure it wasn't that bad of an attempt!! X

  5. What a soppy git I am, I totally teared up reading this! Looks like you both enjoyed the day as much as Harry! Looking forward to the chalkboard tutorial, will need to pinch this idea for when Aria turns 1 in June :)

    Nicola x

    1. Haha Aww that's so cute! I am the same though I get so emotional over these milestones!! X

  6. Absolutely love this! It looks like you had the most perfect day and Harry is just to cute for words! Love the crowns and chalkboard. Super creative. Hope you also had a fab xmas and New Year!xx

    Sarah |

    1. Ahh thank you we had a lovely day!! Happy new year xx

    2. Love his crown happy birth day to harry

  7. Lovely pictures!! Looks like you had an amazing day. I LOVE the chalk board idea it is soo cute! Oscar's going to be 2 in June but it might still work for a 2 year old I think :) x

    Kat from Blushing Rose

    1. I found it on pinterest!! Totally would work for a 2 year old.. I plan to do them up until Harry's at least 5 hehe xx

  8. The invitations are really cute and would make a great keepsake. I love the chalk board too. I have just subscribed so I can see the tutorial when it goes up!


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