Thursday, 6 February 2014


Today our little superstar got his first set of hearing aids! He was sooooooo brave and very well behaved even though there was a lot of poking and fiddling about with his poor ears!!

Only time will tell if, and how much, baby H can hear but we have only been home a couple of hours and he seems to be reacting to noise and is more alert than ever!! 

I thought that seeing Harry with hearing aids would make me feel sad and sorry for him, but I actually think he looks rather cool and more beautiful than ever!
I feel a huge sense of pride at being able to say that I am this amazing, special dude's mummy!


  1. Absolutely brilliant news. He's probably just wondering what all the fuss is about. And those hearing aids look brilliant. Very cool.
    si x

  2. I've never seen a baby with a hearing aid but it really doesn't look out of place. In fact, he looks great, and it sounds as though it's making a difference already!

  3. Your first post on this was touching, i can't even imagine how you dealt with it. So great to see he's doing so well already with his hearing aids :) great he's being more alert etc, hopefully that means he's hearing lots! Look forward to your future posts to see how the little guy is getting on :) x

    1. Ahh thanks so much Georgie it's so nice to hear that people are supporting us and following Harry along on his journey x

  4. What a wonderfully positive attitude you have. Cant wait to see how your handsome boy does rocking those hearing aids. xx

    1. Of course, I can't not be positive with such a fabulous son! X

  5. What a lovely post! He's such a handsome little thing, I can't wait to hear more about your story as a new mummy!

    I'm 21 weeks pregnant and just started my own blog. I'd love it if you could take a look :) xx

    1. Thank you! He's a beaut isn't he :-)

      I would love to have a read of your blog! X

  6. So glad to see he's had one fitted already and is reacting to noises, thats great news!!! He rocks that hearing aid!!!

    Sparkles & Stretchmarks

    1. It's great isn't it that he can have them so young! Let's hope it works wonders for him xx

  7. he look so cute with his new hearing aids and glad he is reacting the noises :-D


  8. Looking adorable as always! That's fantastic news that he is reacting to things and seeming more alert, looking forward to seeing how he gets on with them :-) xx

    Kat from Blushing Rose Beauty | Tiny Flutters - Mummy & Baby

  9. He is absolutely gorgeous.


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