Saturday, 16 November 2013

40 Week Update - Could This Be My Last One??

How far along?  40 weeks!! We made it! Happy Due Date baby boy!!!!!

Total weight gain:  I feel HUGE things are wobbling all over the place!

Maternity clothes?  Nothing new of course as I shouldn't be pregnant too much longer! I also haven't really been going out much at all as I am just too knackered so it's been pj days most days for me!

Stretch marks? I have a stretch mark on my back and I am gutted!! I knew it would happen, especially going all the way to 40 weeks! However it is so small and not too prominent that it might disappear (one can hope)! I suppose it's better to be on my back as well than to be on my belly!
I went back to using Palmers Cocoa Butter after the dryness eased on my tummy which again I cannot praise enough for getting me this far! I have still been using my Mama Mio Boob Tube (review here) of course!!

Sleep:  Sleep has been a little better this week and I don't know if it's because we are in the new house now and it feels a little cosier and I am less stressed! The only thing is our main bathroom is downstairs as it's an Edwardian property so when I need to go to the loo I am pretty much wide awake by the time I get back to bed! 

Best moment this week: The best thing about this week has been living in our new home, I have pretty much been smiling all week! It's so nice to have our own space, which I personally think looks great, and I'm so proud of what we have achieved!! 

Worst Moment This Week: So I had a stretch and sweep yesterday afternoon which I was a little nervous about as I didn't know what to expect. I was however told it didn't really hurt and just feels uncomfortable - BUT I found it so so painful!!!!!!! I think it shocked me how much it did hurt and that was my worst moment this week by a mile!!

Food cravings: I cannot get enough chocolate this week and I had a major chocolate brownie craving one day so I whipped up a late night batch and they tasted like heaven! Mr H wasn't complaining about this craving either..

Miss anything?  Again just missing my old bod now!! I sorted through loads of clothes whilst moving and I cannot believe the size of some of the dresses and shorts I have!! Will I ever squeeze into them again!!??

Movement: Still lots of movement from Haribo but it is decreasing slightly and this is quite obviously because he barely has any room in there anymore! I've got a feeling he's going to be a bit of a chubba when he arrives but my midwife has guesstimated just 7lbs!!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Again just a few moments of nausea throughout the week but nothing horrific and nothing really triggering it apart from yesterday when I felt sick the entire day!

Gender: BOY!

Labour signs:  So I guess this is the exciting bit.. I mentioned above that my worst moment this week was having the sweep. Well it was horrendous but it also
lead to me become 3cm dialated!!  I also had a show a few hours later and my midwife is adamant that Harry will be arriving this very weekend!
She said it was one of the best sweeps she has done and I was already 1-2cm when she started it and his head was incredibly low so in theory I should have a very quick labour when it comes to pushing!
Immediately after the procedure I started to get quite heavy period pain type cramping which was pretty constant and my midwife said that was it all kicking off.. Eek!
I spent most of last night restless on the sofa and in quite a lot of pain which I managed with paracetamol, but this morning the pain has decreased (annoying)! We are going to have a nice long walk today and I'll be doing some bouncing around on my preggo ball to hopefully get things moving!

Symptoms:  Obviously I am now having all the symptoms above but the majority of the week I didn't feel too bad or have many symptoms at all! I wasn't getting tummy aches as often and it felt like there was less pressure in my pelvis - even though my midwife said He was really pushing down on it!! I think I just have just got used to the pain or something 
The rib pain is much less intense as well which I am very grateful for!

Belly button in or out?  It's so flat like I never had a belly button

Happy or moody most of the time? Since learning that I am 3cm dialated I am really happy as it could mean we are going to meet our little boy very soon!

Looking forward to:  Harry's arrival of course :-) We are ready for you little man!!! - Plus I will be totally impressed if you arrive on your due date! On time just like your daddy always is!

Bump:  Apologies for the dodgy pj/tired face pics!!

If this is my last update then I will see you on the flip side!!! Thank you so much to all my readers for your support and lovely comments! I can't wait to show you our little man! Xx


  1. Good luck!!! Hope all goes well for you guys and a good experience :) x

  2. That is soo exciting!!! Good luck I hope all goes well.

  3. Eep, the big day! Hope everything goes well for you and you have a safe labour and delivery :-) Sounds like you're getting super close! I had the cramps that came and went and then the next day I was in labour xx

  4. Hey, I can't sleep either. All the new technology means Ib am nearly feeling everything aswell.
    Wait until Sunday, about 11.00. xxxxxx

  5. Eeek! The big day is sooo close. Good luck with everything. X

  6. Ooooh soooo excitig!!! xx

  7. You look great! Good luck, I can't wait to see the pictures you post of him. He is going to be darling!

  8. Thank you everyone.. Still no Harry yet! He seems so really really like it in there!!! X

  9. Hurry up Harry! Si

  10. good luck! hopefully by the time you read this your little one will be on the way!


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