Thursday, 1 August 2013

25 Week Update

How far along?  25 weeks and 1 
day! OMG this feels a little like a milestone for me, not sure why but 25 weeks just seems like a lot!!  Only 15 weeks to go - TERRIFYING! 

Total weight gain:  I feel pretty much the same as I did last week but bump has grown a little, mainly just outwards (I am probably going to topple over at this rate sometime soon if it carries on this way)

Maternity clothes?  Still nothing new, I am hoping I won't really have to buy anything else as what I have bought should allow for some growth and if it doesn't then work better get used to me coming in in my dressing gown..

Stretch marks?  None yet.  I am so paranoid that they are going to make an appearance soon as it does feel like the skin on my tummy is a little sore!!?  Using up the last of my Mama Mio Tummy Rub this week though which is highly upsetting as it has been fabulous!  I have used the Cocoa Butter Original formula a few times this week (the hard stuff that turns oily in your hands) and I have found its actually lovely on your bump and sinks in really well.  It makes your skin feel really firm as well as moisturised and of course it smells gorge 

Sleep:  I am feeling really tired again now which really really sucks as I need all the energy I can get for when we move house (if we ever bloody get an exchange date ggrr) Again I am hoping the tiredness is just down to a very busy, stressful week of work and a couple of late nights 

Best moment this week:  Mr H's sister showed us some VERY cute little gifts she has bought for Harry (which I was meant to look at and then forget I had seen whoops) but they are so so cute and it is making me excited for seeing all of the lovely things we get and what we have bought for him!

Worst moment this week:  Nothing really bad with pregnancy, the bladder infection seems to have gone which is great news.  Work has been horrid though and I actually can't wait for the break from it now!

Miss anything?  I don't think I really miss anything this week you know!

Movement: The little bugger is going to be a gymnast I think as it feels like he is constantly on the move!  Hes started to keep me awake at night now as he feels its acceptable to start doing almighty kicks at 11pm when Mummy is trying to drift off!!  When I am at work he keeps moving his whole body right up to the top of my uterus so he is practically under my boobs which feels really really weird and totally uncomfortable!  I am so happy that he moves a lot though as this helps me not to worry about him and I know there are other preggo ladies out there who are dying to feel their babies move

Food cravings:  Cold Coke and again I can't drink it now because of the bladder infections!!!  Waaaaaah!  I also keep wanting to eat stilton on burgers like everyday

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nothing!

Gender: Boy!!

Labor signs: None

Symptoms:  Again, back ache and not being able to get comfortable.  Scott and I have started to try and go for a walk every evening now as I think this will help my back and keep me active, laying around all the time doesn't really help!
I don't know why I haven't mentioned this before as it has been a symptom through my whole pregnancy so far, and that is nose bleeds!! I have had TONS!  Probably at least once a day my nose will bleed and its grose!  Apparently this is perfectly normal and its to do with all the extra blood circulating around your body.  Does anyone else have this??

Belly button in or out?  Still slightly in and slightly flat

Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy most of the time but quite moody too as I am just so tired!!

Looking forward to:  Still can't wait to move house and it feels like its really dragging on :(  I hope it doesn't take too much longer as I really want to be able to decorate and build furniture and shop for things!



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